All pods and rooms are available on a first-come first-served basis with priority use for accessing Library collections and services as well as GTC academic courses and assistance.
The Barton Campus Library has four study rooms that accommodate 1 to 4 people:
Each study room is equipped with a computer, webcam, and whiteboard.
Study rooms cannot be reserved in advance and can be used up to two hours.
One-hour extensions may be requested if others are not waiting to use the room.
Visitors must "check out" a study room with their GTC ID card at the Barton Library service desk.
The Northwest Library Commons has a 4 person study room and a 6 person conference room with no reservations required. Additional study rooms are available in the Northwest Computer Lab.
The SCTAC Library and Library Commons at Benson, Brashier, CMI, McKinney, and Northwest also have a single person and/or small group pod.
Pods can be used no more than 2 hours each day.
Pod Reservations are required Monday - Thursday 8am - 5pm and Friday 8am-1pm.